Warning! JavaScript must be enabled for this form to work properly. × Ajax: xxInternal Error Occurred Free Assessment Required *Title: Choose a value Mr. Mrs. Name: Last Name: Who referred you to me? Age of applicant: Occupation: Number of years of work experience: Highest level of education: Education Major:Knowledge of English: Choose a value Weak Low Average Good Very Good Excellent Knowledge Of French: Choose a value Weak Low Average Good Very Good Excellent Have you ever taken IELTS exam? YesNo If yes, what is the score?I'm willing to invest at least CA $125,000 in Canada:YesNo How much is your total net worth(in C$)?Are u self-employed?YesNoDo u or your spouse wants to study at Canada?YesNoHave you ever studied or worked in Canada?YesNoI have a close relative in Canada: YesNo Last Name of Spouse: Age of Spouse: Occupation of Spouse: spouse number of years of work experience Highest level of spouse education: Spouse Major Education:Spouse English Language: Choose a value Weak Low Average Good Very Good Excellent Spouse French Language: Choose a value Weak Low Average Good Very Good Excellent Phone (No space or dash) Email:Comment: Captcha